Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Two Reflections today

Megan Rogers, ENDOW facilitator, New Mexico:
My husband and I recently moved to a new military base and it is in a rural area in the desert. Lent to me is just this, a merciful act by God to call me to a place remote and without the many comforts and convenience of a city, to be with Him. Lent is embracing change, learning to depend on God (once more) and to be courageous in following His will, even if it means barren deserts and wrestling winds; a reflection of my soul at times.

Julie Wong, friend of ENDOW, Ohio:
This Lent, the Lord has led me to focus on several different themes. The first is to strive to become poor before Christ, as He has made Himself so poor on the Cross before each one of us. It's so easy to let my heart become entangled and chained down by various distractions and desires...He is gently calling me to let Him strip and cleanse my heart of everything but Him. When I let Him do this, so much freedom and peace is found!

The second theme is learning to embrace my littleness and weakness. St. Therese of Lisieux's "Little Way" is becoming more and more beautiful to me as I daily realize my radical need for God. Instead of trying to become "perfect" and then feeling perpetually frustrated and discouraged, Jesus is calling me to become still and peaceful within His arms. He wants me to trust that if I simply surrender myself to Him with all of my faults, He can do great things in me! His Sacred Heart will do EVERYTHING for us if we only LET HIM!

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