Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Route to ENDOW – A Witness Story

By Judi Piccone

If we believe that God desires us to know the truth then we must be open to seeking it. I am reminded of this when I think of the journey He has brought me on to encounter His Truth and faithfulness through ENDOW. His love for me placed my spiritual voyage on a path to ENDOW and although it has not been easy, I am certain it was purposeful.

My story begins many years ago when I became interested in an international ecumenical Bible study. It had many thriving Colorado locations to choose from and it seemed perfect. It welcomed women of different Christian denominations to gather and study Scripture. In my mind it was noble, even productive to the cause of uniting Christians and its message of being “ecumenical” drew me in. I was encouraged that there were other Catholic women involved, who like me, were searching for more. We wanted to be fed but it needed to accommodate the diapers and daily duties of life. With Catholic Biblical School being too daunting, MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers - a Christian mom and tot group) not enough and no other suitable Catholic program available, this seemed perfect. I became deeply involved.
Although I was a very active and faithful Catholic, I know now I was subtly being led away from my religious roots. Thankfully, God brought me down the path of truth and I am grateful that I knew to listen. After five very involved years in the program, it had been revealed to me by an insider that they were not ecumenical at all, but that the leadership was trained to welcome Catholics only to convert them. NO! This could not be true! At that point I realized I needed the truth and with God’s grace I found the courage to contact the National Director, a woman I did not know, and I asked if this was a fact. After some discussion and some beating around the bush, she finally said, “Yes, we only welcome Catholics to convert them.” While I was grateful for her honesty, I was devastated because I was entrenched in the program and I realized then that I had to cut the dead limb, close the door, and walk away.

Where was I to find Him now? He had brought me to this realization but what purpose did it have if there was nothing similar in the Catholic Church to fill that void? It was a painful process but God is abundantly generous and faithful. Thanks to a group of faithful women who chose to listen to Him, ENDOW was started. It was exactly what I needed and has filled that void in such an amazing way. There have been many truths revealed - like how I am special and unique as a woman of God (Letter to Women), how God gave me Mary to be my companion (Redemptoris Mater) and the joy in uniting myself to His suffering (Salvifici Doloris). These and many other studies have shown me His faithfulness as they have strengthened and fortified me. Through ENDOW, Christ has shown me how deeply He loves me and I am profoundly humbled.

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