Hello everyone! There is a bit of change in the air here on The Front Porch. As many of you know, ENDOW’s Executive Director, Terry Polakovic, has been caring for this blog since it’s beginning along with a few other faithful contributors. Thanks to their efforts, The Front Porch has become an informative, wonderful and relaxing place to spend a moment or two. While Terry and the others will continue to contribute, I, Janet Teran, have been asked to regularly update the blog. I will be doing my best to keep an eye out for ideas and articles of interest which have to do with our mission at ENDOW. ENDOW is, as most of us know, a Catholic educational program that brings women together to discover their God-given dignity and to understand their role in humanizing and transforming society.
I am excited and am extremely grateful for this opportunity as I have a very deep love for ENDOW and all that the Holy Spirit is doing through this organization of faith filled people. I humbly ask for your prayers as I set out to keep you all comfortable and informed in this “gathering place” called “The Front Porch.” Please take a moment to check out the ENDOW website (Click Here)....there are so many new things happening as ENDOW continues to be blessed...such amazing growth and many new opportunities. During these lingering days of summer, I encourage you all to prayerfully consider joining an ENDOW class this fall or perhaps you will consider becoming a facilitator and starting a study! My family, friends and I have been blessed in more ways than I could ever count through my facilitation of ENDOW studies and through my association with ENDOW.........might this suggestion be THE ONE you have been waiting for? Please, go ahead....just say YES! To check out some classes which might be calling especially to you, please click here. I look forward to our time together here on The Front Porch........and Thank you! Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful!
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